The Broader Perspective

on the Velas Network

Why Velas is the Metaverse Chain

The world at large hasn’t yet realized the power of Play-to-Earn. When people go from living in debt to earning a dignified living wave through gaming and flipping NFTs in the metaverse, the crowds will rush in.

When that day comes, P2E gamers will demand speed, entertainment, and profits. With Velhalla, they’ll get it all.

As a state-of-the-art blockchain, Velas is the first EVM compatible network leveraging Solana’s codebase that supports cross-chain transfers of all major coins. With up to 75,000 transactions per second and $0.00001 fees, Velas is primed to dominate the NFT and P2E ecosystem.


Roadmap Rollout

October 2021

 Game Research

 NFT Research

 Concept Design

October 21

November 2021

Set up Complete Development Environment

Begin Character Design

Begin Velhalla World Design

IDO Launch

SCAR Yield Farm on WagyuSwap

Release Gameplay PDF

November 21

December 2021

Unveil Velhalla Metaverse

- New Exchange Listings
- Velhalla Comicbook NFT Collectible Series Release

December 21

January 2022

Mini Game Release! Earn exclusive rewards

- Announce the four factions.
- Head of Game Development (Ask Me Anything)
Weekly development release update

*Brief overview on land management gameplay.
*Information on the structure of the land system.
*Sneak Peek of Character illustrations & 3D models

December 21

February 2022

Limited pre-sale of Velhalla World Land: (6,000 loot boxes!)

- Characters In-Game Footage

Weeky development release update

*Brief overview of the trading post.
*Public announce on information regarding selling land (loot chests)
*Unit briefings
*Character illustrations & 3D models

December 21

March 2022

2nd Wave Loot Box Land Sale:
(30,000 loot boxes!)

- Head of Game Development (Ask Me Anything)
- Limited pre-sales of In-Game NFT Characters!

Weeky development release update

*2nd wave of sales information public announcement (loot chests)
*Information on sales of units.
*Character illustrations & 3D models

December 21

April 2022

3rd Wave Loot Box Land Sale

Weeky development release update

*Home overview and release date
*Planet overview and release date
*Character illustrations & 3D models

December 21

May 2022

4th Wave Loot Box Land Sale

Partial Playable Planet Release!

December 21

June 2022

Playable Planet Release

Metaverse Footage Release

December 21

July 2022

Playable Combat System (Siege) Release

December 21

August 2022

Playable Combat System (Defense) Release

Main Storyline Footage

December 21

September 2022

Extended Characters, Items and Dungeons Sneak Peek

December 21

October 2022

PC, MacOS, iOS, Android Environment Test

December 21

November 2022

Bug bounty and audits program

December 21

December 2022

Full Official Game Release for all platforms!

December 21
Contract Address: 0x8d9...e6209 0x8d9fb713587174ee97e91866050c383b5cee6209 Trade SCAR at Pancake Swap Farm SCAR on Wagyu Swap

© 2021 Velhalla